Our Future with Jesus | Just a Thought

In a world where we don’t know what tomorrow will hold, we can be confident in having a future with Jesus

We have divine favor.

Revelation 1 speaks of seven lampstands and seven stars. Jesus explains these as being the seven churches and their seven angels. The lampstands (churches) are NOT the light, but display THE Light. Just as the High Priest filled the lamps with oil and trimmed the wicks so they would burn bright, the Great High Priest (Jesus) fills us with the oil of His Spirit and trims us so that He can shine bright through us. He also speaks of the stars as being held in His right hand, a place of protection and guidance. It shows His care for and His love of His Church.

There is no need to fear.

When John received the vision in Revelation, He fell at Jesus’ feet as if dead. The first thing Jesus said was, “don’t be afraid.” Even with the description of what He looked like, the authority, wisdom, power, and splendor, there is no need to fear. If we are followers of Jesus, He has our best interests at heart. We can have respect for and no fear in His presence.

We can have a desire to follow Him.

Two times in this passage, John is told to “write,” to write down the things he saw, the things that are happening today, and the things that are to take place. John had the desire to follow the leading of the Lord, and this book is the fulfillment of that leading. How is He leading us and are we following Him?

Do we know greatness of our Lord?

Do our lives reflect the God the we serve?

Just a Thought…

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Have a blessed day!

Loving… Learning… Living…

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