Distinct Features of Jesus | Just a Thought

In the beginning of the book of Revelation, we see some of the distinct features of Jesus. These features help us to recognize His authority and His rule.

Consider the leaders and authority figures in our lives. How do we recognize them? What do we expect from those in authority? How do we respond to these leaders?

Two authority figures that come to mind are school principals and police officers. Both are respected by some and despised by others. For those that respect the positions these individuals hold and follow their leadership, there can be peace and protection. For those that choose not to follow their leading, or go against their teaching, there can be distrust.

In Revelation chapter 1, we read a description of Jesus, the church’s authority figure. What we see in this description includes…

He is wearing a robe.

A long robe, in biblical times, signified someone who had a great status and authority. These were the ones giving direction to those under them. They were no longer “in the trenches,” but were leading those that were doing the work. Jesus is our authority.

He is wearing a golden sash.

A golden sash was something worn by priests. Jesus is our High priest, and He signifies this by what He is wearing. The High Priest was one who had access to God. He was the only one that could enter into the presence of God as a mediator for the people he served. Jesus is our eternal High Priest, in the presence of God the Father, on our behalf.

He has white hair.

In scripture, white hair was a sign of wisdom. Jesus is true and complete wisdom. He is the One that we can turn to for the wisdom we need as we go through life.

He has fire in His eyes.

This fire represents the judgment that Jesus is able to place on those that turn away from Him. God cannot have sin in His presence, so Jesus either covers the sins of believers with His blood, or rightly judges those who deny Him.

He has feet of bronze.

This aspect has the idea of refined purity. Jesus went through the fire on this earth, willingly giving up His life for us through much pain and agony, but in complete purity.

His voice is like rushing waters.

This represents the power & majesty of our Lord. Just like a rushing river or a mighty waterfall produces powerful and majestic sights and sounds, so also our Lord is powerful and majestic in everything.

A doubled edged sword comes from His mouth.

The Word of God is the double edged sword. The words that He speaks cuts to the deepest part of our being, revealing the sins in our lives and giving us the ability to grow.

His face shines like the sun.

This is a description of His great splendor. Nothing outshines the splendor of the Lord. The sun of our solar system is a pale image of what the true splendor of the Lord looks like. What a sight will be seen when He comes in all His glory!

Do we recognize the features of Jesus and the authority He has over all things?

Just a Thought…

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