Confidence in the Power of God | Just a Thought

Joshua, the Israelite army, and the Gibeonites had confidence in and experienced the power of God. They saw God do extraordinary things on their behalf, things only God could do. He confused armies, sent large hail stones, and even made the sun stand still for an entire day. He did all these things to aid the Israelites in winning the battles they faced.

We must remember that God is not confined or bound by the ways and laws of the world. He is the Creator of the universe and the earth. He can do whatever He chooses, for He is infinite in power and ability.

Consider some of the great things He has down throughout biblical history.

  • The Red Sea was separated so that the Israelites could walk across as if on dry ground.
  • God brought manna and quail to the Israelites while they wandered in the desert for forty years.
  • He stopped the flowing Jordan River for the Israelites to cross as if on dry ground.
  • Water was changed into wine through Jesus.
  • Jesus gave sight to the blind and made the lame to walk again.
  • He even brought the dead back to life.

We are finite beings with limited knowledge and understanding, but our God is unlimited in what He can do. Having confidence in the power of God can get us through any circumstance, any obstacle, in which we find ourselves. Even when it seems impossible, God can make it possible, because “with God, all things are possible.”

Let us be willing to place our confidence in the power of God and all that He is capable of accomplishing. We cannot fathom the power of our God. He is greater than we can even think or imagine. Because of this, let us place our confidence in Him and watch what He can do.

Just a Thought…

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