Is Jesus Enough? | Just a Thought

Just a Thought - Is Jesus Enough?

Is Jesus Enough?…  

This is a question that has come to mind often in recent months.

We invite people to accept Jesus as their Savior. The scripture states that if we confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, that we will be saved. By confession and faith, we receive salvation from our sins; salvation from eternal death; salvation to eternal life. People are led in the “sinners prayer” and we rejoice over those who make that decision. However, I wonder if we truly believe that Jesus is enough.

Think about the things many add to the list of requirements of the believer. There is a long list, but here are three major items…

  • Do we need to attend weekly church services for salvation?
  • Does tithing prove our level of commitment?
  • Is baptism a requirement for salvation?

These things are of value and add to our spiritual growth. However, are they required to be saved? If so, then Jesus is not enough… it is Jesus plus action.

What are some expectations we have of those who claim to be followers of Christ? Are there actions that we believe are necessary beyond faith in Christ for salvation?

Just a Thought…

Please come back to read through the other posts or to hear more messages found on this website.

Have a blessed day!

Loving… Learning… Living…

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